Change has come, hopefully a call too has

So with swearing in of US President Barack Hussein Obama, process of change of guard at the very echelons of power is complete.

Looks like this moment, full of so much significance, historical and otherwise, is a culmination of a chain of events started two years ago.

And obviously the swearing in is a logical conclusion to the election in Nov, which is when 'Change has come to America' was first heard, finding an echo worldwide.

Guess no point repeating it here or delving into this idiom's subtlety.

Just this niggling thought in my mind, that hopefully a call has come to India, after the swearing in, a call to Honorable Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh.

Possibly it has, or maybe it was not so important this time, after the swearing in, when (maybe) world leaders might be calling to congratulate.

But in Nov '08, remember distinctly, small news item, on the front pages of a couple of english news dailies, carrying a story of how, Mr Barack Obama, the then US Presidential elect, had chosen to call Pakistan and speak to its President before calling India.

There was gap of a couple of days, but a call (eventually) did come to India too.

Sigh, so much talk of historical significance,reams of newsprint voicing need for an 'Indian Obama', and yet such news stories on what at best is a diplomatic nicety.

How about we as a nation and a people truly integrated the meaning and significance of President Barack Obama's successful campaign for the White House in our lives?

And by that i mean figuring out what is truly important in each of our lives and as a society,a vast and a diverse nation, and then focusing all our collective energies on making it happen, whatever that may be.

For then, change would come to the world, and all of us would be better off.

For now looks like, change has come, but to America, only.

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